So this week was a very interesting
and busy week, we had mission tour which is why I am writing on a Tuesday
instead of a Monday. To start the week last Tuesday I was running around Washington
park for morning exercise while my comp sat in the truck watching and as I was
running around I heard the gravel rustle and look behind me to see a decent sized dog right
behind me which kinda scared me, seeing as since I've been a missionary dogs
haven't been liking me much lately. So I pick up my pace and he just sat there
and finally ran off and in my head I'm thinking it was a tender mercy that I
didn't get attacked, and that he stopped just short of me, little did I
know. Then as I am completing another
lap around I hear a noise and look behind me a little sooner to see this same
dog come running at me full speed. So I start running as fast as i can away
from this dog which I was sure wanted to attack me. In the brief moment I heard him catch up to
me I braced for the bite and when it didn't come I in shock looked for the dog
and there he was running right alongside me so I slowed down and he slowed down
and now back at my normal pace I waited for him to get bored and leave but the
dog ran right next to me for the next 10 15 minutes at which point I started
back to the apartment telling the dog shoo.
He stayed right with me all the way back to the apartment and when I
stopped he stopped and then Elder Johnson threw a stick and as the dog was
running after it we ran inside. After a while he went back to where ever he
came from. Then we helped a family of one of the recent convert families the
vantassle family move in who are either non members or less active members move
in on Wednesday and bro vantassle thanked us with a big batch of his specialty,
no bake cookies! they tasted just like home. Thursday we helped a new family in
the ward move in and the elders quorum president, bro vantassel and us were the
only ones that showed up so that took a while. Saturday we helped the young
mens president move out and by then I was getting pretty good at moving. There
were so many people there that we made an assembly line and loaded really fast.
Later we went to visit the a part member family in the ward who we are
focusing on right now and have been helping clean up after they had a kitchen
fire, which was actually really good because Glen the husband has really been
warming up to us. We're hoping he might decide to investigate as he comes
to church every week and his wife is even one of the ward missionaries, but any
way we go over and he barely acknowledges us but as we are leaving after
talking to his wife awhile she mentions she has some furniture for us to move
from her parents house to their house . So we go and move two big dressers from
the house to the truck to the house and as we pull up Glen starts talking to us
more and then Elder Johnson asks for a match or a blow torch to stop the rope
from fraying after looking and not finding anything elder Johnson mentions
almost jokingly to use the grill and Glen goes “oh yeah I even have it lit” so
we go over and he turns on a burner and starts spraying it with the cooking
spray which cause a flamethrower effect. We were all laughing and so that was
good. Then we went over to the pluards,
a less active members house to try and help her get her older boys back in the
church. We show up and they hide from us and so we talk to her and her youngest
for a little bit and then we go to leave and as we are getting in the truck the
youngest, Luke, who is like 7 yells wait wait and comes running out and says
you can stay for a little longer. So we go back in and talk to her and Luke for
a little while and then left.Tthen we decided to do some ward list visits. We were
going to go to the lewisons who we had never heard of but we finally find the
apartment complex, which is looking really sketchy and we walk in the complex. It
just stinks with smoke and we find their apartment number and the door is wide
open and the keys are still in the door. So we knock and no answer we knock
again no answer so finally we call out hello and we hear a hello back and then
a very large man with only a pair of
shorts walks into view and tells us to come on in and sit down and so we do and
I'm wondering what the heck did we get ourselves into his name is Smokey by the
way which also described the apartment. Then his wife walks in fully dressed
but in back health so we talk to her for a little and then he comes back in
with a shirt now and starts talking about his dad who he took care of until he
died as he had Alzheimers, who apparently was at the va clinc being taken care
of and I guess he was losing a ton of weight and they couldn't get him to eat. Smokey goes up he is saying your medicine
doesn't work so now I'm going to try mine and then says " boy he started gaining all sorts of weight
once I started him on weed" and then proceeds to tell us how he saturated
all of his food with weed and then continues to talk about his dad and his own
heart attacks for the next hour straight Sunday we went to church and then
packed and went to Bend for mission tour which is basically zone conference but
with a general authority. We had Elder Richards of the second quorum of the 70.
Monday we went to that and talked to the
mission president who told us that there were two ready for the gospel in Burns
and that we needed to find them in response to our telling him that we only
have one investigator who is basically a member he just can’t be baptized yet. We
went home and we get home Monday with about an hour and a half of time left so
Elder Johnson says who should we visit? The Pluards came to mind, so I say
maybe the pluards? he says ok, but before that he had to unload the car and as
we are unloading I'm think more about the Pluards and the better I feel about
visiting them. So we go over and on our way we see Luke at a house we didn't
know, so we stop and Michele it there too so we talk to them. She seems like
she wants to talk to us so we set up an appointment for today and then go try
and see a less active member named Madison who likes to read the BofM with us
and we go over and her mom says she’s out walking her sheep, I then confused
say a sheep? and she says yeah we have to exercise them. Then we leave and now
we still have an hour and 15 min left and unsure what to do we call the wml bro
Johnson and set up a meeting with him and Washington park and so we go there
and on the swings is Michelle and Luke so we get out and talk to them more,
while I entertained Luke and his friends. It was really good and then while we
are talking to her I hear this loud bahh and look over to see Madison walking
her lamb and she comes over and starts talking to us as well and then Bro
Johnson shows up and now all of us are talking and it was really good. Madison even committed to going to church on Sunday
and then they left and we talked to bro Johnson about our trip and the plans
for the week and then we had to go home so overall it’s been a great sore week.
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